Proprietary vs. Open-Source Based Networks: Calculate Total Cost of Ownership

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SDN R&D for the Industrial Sector

Project Overview

Development of a complex ICS security IIoT solution enabling immediate reaction to anomaly or intrusion, as well as automated network security zone reconfigurations for anomaly isolation. The solution enables centralized security control over both virtual and physical networks.

Customer Profile

A pre-product high tech startup working on cyber security solutions for critical infrastructure, specifically industrial networks.

Challenges Challenges

  • Maintaining safety level at least as provided by legacy approach
  • Compatibility with industry-specific protocols and existing physical infrastructure
  • High impact of automatic network reconfiguration malfunction

Technical Highlights Technical Highlights

  • Open vSwitch used as a test bed for develop and customizing extensions for industrial protocols
  • Encryption across virtual switch infrastructure to enable transparency to the endpoints
  • The solution covers OSI Layer 2 to Layer 5, Control plane, and Application plane

Business Value

  • Efficient concept validation and experimentation during the initial stage of the project
  • PLVision contributed to the customer winning a $2 million contract

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