Proprietary vs. Open-Source Based Networks: Calculate Total Cost of Ownership

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Senior Embedded C Engineer



PLVision is seeking a highly skilled Senior Embedded C Engineer with a deep interest in hardware development to enhance our innovative networking solutions that support the next generation of industrial networks.

This is a highly technical position that requires a candidate with 5+ years of commercial experience in the development of Embedded Applications and C programming. At PLVison you will get valuable hands-on experience with the latest technologies and non-trivial tasks in software product development. You will collaborate with global technology leaders within open-source communities and work on the meaningful project that drives technological advancement.

Join PLVision and secure your future in a company that values innovation and fosters your professional growth.

Dedicated recruiter:
Taras Leskiv
Recruitment Lead

Responsibilities Responsibilities

  • Bring up networking device platform components and drivers in the Linux environment

  • Integrate platform components into the Networking Operating System (NOS)

  • Engage in client communications to clarify requirements

  • Design and develop new functionality for the Linux networking subsystem

Requirements Requirements

  • 5+ years of commercial experience in software engineering, specialising in embedded systems

  • Strong knowledge of C for embedded systems development

  • Proficiency in Python and Bash

  • Experience with embedded Linux build systems, such as Yocto and Buildroot

  • Proficiency in Linux kernel development

  • Experience in developing and bringing up Linux device drivers

  • Experience in bringing up peripheral devices, including EEPROM, bus multiplexers, Ethernet PHY, fans, thermal sensors and power supply units

  • Experience in bringing up hardware buses such as I2C, SPI, UART, etc.

  • Advanced Linux user with expertise in networking tools and utilities

  • Knowledge of technical English at Intermediate level and higher

Would be a plus Would be a plus

  • Experience in developing Linux networking device drivers

  • Experience with Ethernet pluggable modules & drivers (e.g., QSFP28, QSFP-DD, OSFP, etc.)

  • Experience in Linux networking stack development

  • Experience with SONiC NOS

Want to develop innovative products? Let's talk!

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