Proprietary vs. Open-Source Based Networks: Calculate Total Cost of Ownership

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SDN Implementation and Integration for Telecom and Industrial Segments

Case Study: OPNFV Yardstick Framework Extension with NSB Functionality Case Study: OPNFV Yardstick Framework Extension with NSB Functionality

A number of extensions were made to the Yardstick framework to help support NSB (Network Services Benchmarking) functionality. These included additional traffic generator support (IxNetwork, IxLoad, Spirent, Trex, PROX), managed network functions virtualization infrastructure (NFVI) support (OpenStack, Kubernetes) and orchestrating of virtual network functions (VNF).

Case Study: Software-Defined Networking R&D for the Industrial Networking Sector Case Study: Software-Defined Networking R&D for the Industrial Networking Sector

Research and development of a virtual industrial switch, that included:

  • Extended OVS and ONOS with support of a set
    of new industrial protocols;
  • Extended OVS and ONOS with new security features support (tunnels, traffic encryption).

The solution enables centralized security control over both virtual and
physical networks.

Case Study: Kubernetes-Based Cloud with Enterprise Applications Ecosystem Case Study: Kubernetes-Based Cloud with Enterprise Applications Ecosystem

The Customer owns a solution consisting of hardware and software that enables cloud management and enterprise applications ecosystem support. To meet the infrastructure demands of enterprise applications, the Customer needs to improve the network subsystem and enable multiple virtual user networks within the cluster.

Case Study: SDN Load Balancer for Customer’s Data Center Case Study: SDN Load Balancer for Customer’s Data Center

SDN software switches are deployed to enable network forwarding decisions in order to send requests from clients to multiple servers in a server pool, so that the servers’ loads are equally balanced. An SDN solution for network load balancing in the Customer’s data center had to be implemented.

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